Together Time

Meet, Larry and Michelle.  They have the running part of their daily routine down:  two full-time jobs, three children (and their schedules) and all of life’s others twists and turns.

They also have the relaxing part down: a regular escape to a spa in Orlando for a couples massage.  See, Larry and Michelle realized years ago that their side-by-side spa time transcends the typical dinner-movie date.  They both came to the conclusion that sometimes it’s easier to share on a deeper level when you’re both committed to a couple of hours where stress is simply not able or allowed to take root.  Enjoying dinner together one evening would inevitably include talking about the kids, or a deadline at work.  Relaxation changes your focus. It allows you spend that time stress free.

Larry, a small business owner, educator and consultant said they had their first couples or a deadline at work.  Relaxation changes your focus. It really, massage when they vacationed in the Bahamas several years ago.  Michelle, a commercial photographer, added that their proximity during the massage added such a unique quality that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to describe accurately.

So how bout it folks?  Is it time to up your “date night” experience?  Or have you already enjoyed the benefits of a couple massage?  Either way, feel free to leave us a comment!

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